We need to restore the full meaning of that old word, duty. It is the other side of right.& Pearl Buck 我们需要恢复义务这个旧词的全部含义。它是权利的另一个方面。&赛珍珠
Pearl Buck also felt a connection to her West Virginia home, she said. 赛珍珠也觉得自己和故乡有着千丝万缕的联系,Tyler说。
Oriental Legend form Western Perspective& Analysis of The Good Earth by Pearl Buck; 西方视角下的东方神话&解读赛珍珠的《大地》
Chinese culture gives birth to American writer Pearl Buck's peasantry novels. 美国作家赛珍珠的中国农村题材小说是中国文化的产物。
A Dialogue Between Pearl Buck and Herself: On the Sense of Pearl Buck's Ideas on Bi-culture Subjectivity 一个人的对话&赛珍珠小说思想中两种文化主体的意义
Reaching the same goal from different approaches:& Analyzing the religion view of Cao Yu and Pearl Buck 殊途,同归&曹禺与赛珍珠宗教观之探析
A Forerunner in Communication between China and Western Countries& On Pearl Buck and Her Work "The Good Earth"; 中西文化交流的先行者&赛珍珠及其作品《大地》
In1938, Pearl Buck's trilogy The Good Earth describing miseries of the Chinese peasants won the Nobel Prize of Literature. 1938年,赛珍珠反映中国苦难的长篇小说《大地》三部曲荣获诺贝尔文学奖。
A Perspective of Pearl Buck's Cultural Identity Through Fighting Angel and the Exile 从《战斗的天使》与《异邦客》透视赛珍珠的文化身份
Pearl Buck and the Earth Complex in The Good Earth 赛珍珠与《大地》中的土地情结
Pearl Buck Studies: a Panel Discussion 赛珍珠研究笔谈
Pearl Buck's Biographic Works and Christian Mission in China 赛珍珠传记作品与西方在华基督教传教运动
Multicultural Perspectives in Pearl Buck's Novels 赛珍珠小说中的多重文化观
Construction of Feminist Consciousness in Pearl Buck's Writing 赛珍珠女权主义创作意识形成探微
Through a close observation and a profound understanding of the society and people, Pearl Buck portrays several generations of the Chinese people in The House on the Earth. 赛珍珠凭借其对中国社会和国民性格的长期观察与体悟,在《大地》三部曲中塑造了几代中国人的形象。
However, the translation strategies that Pearl Buck used are closely related to her cultural background and living experience. 赛珍珠的翻译策略和她的特殊文化身份密切相关。她从小在西方和中国传统文化中成长,具有双重的文化视角,从而影响到她对《水浒传》的翻译。
Under new historical conditions, it is of great practical significances to re-recognize Pearl Buck as well as her works. 在新的历史条件下对赛珍珠及其作品进行重新认识具有现实意义。
In the first chapter, the thesis author analyses some major female and male characters Pearl Buck created and how feminist features are demonstrated. 论文的第一章通过分析赛珍珠塑造的主要女性人物和男性人物,论述女性主义特点在其作品中的体现;
Cultural Spirit Embodied in Pearl Buck's Non-fiction 论赛珍珠非小说作品中的文化精神
Although they are of different discourse types, they are good representations of Pearl Buck's profound Understanding of the living conditions of Chinese women. 虽然这两种人物性格话语特征不同,但她们都表现了赛珍珠对中国妇女生存状态的深刻认识和准确再现。
Pearl Buck has deep affection for China and the Chinese people and makes China as the subject matter in most of her writings. 赛珍珠生活在跨文化的双重世界里,她受过西方文化的教育,但又对中国有着深厚的感情,其小说大多以中国人的生活为题材。
Pearl Buck and Her Chinese Peasantry Novels 试论赛珍珠的中国农村题材小说
Through an analysis of Hu Feng's and Wu Lifu's criticisms of Pearl Buck's The Good Earth, this paper tries to explain that pearl Buck does not take a religious stand of a missionary, but rather a realistic attitude in her work. 本文通过对胡风和伍蠡甫对赛珍珠《大地》批评的辨析,试图说明赛珍珠在《大地》中没有采用传教士的宗教立场,而是一种求真的态度。
To be recognized and acknowledged by the culture of the first world and to be a spokesman of a weak culture were two interdependent aspects in Pearl Buck's identity formation. 追寻第一世界的文化认同以及为弱势文化代言是赛珍珠文化身份建构中相互依存的两个方面。
As historical materials, the two biographies bear out the fact that Pearl Buck was an American descendant, having an American cultural background. 作为史料,这两部传记证明了赛珍珠的美国裔身份,及其美国文化背景。
When she tried to speak for the weak culture, Pearl Buck could not eliminate the interference from the strong culture. 当赛珍珠试图为弱势文化代言时,她无法排除来自强势文化的干扰。
Pearl Buck, the first female winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature ( 1938) in America, was a controversial writer who was famous for her vivid and compassionate depiction of life in China. 作为美国第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的女作家,赛珍珠备受争议,她因对中国生活生动而富有同情心的描写而闻名于世。
This thesis believes that the cultural value of Pearl Buck is emitted from and glorified by her literary works. 本文认为,赛珍珠的文化价值是从其文学作品中生发出来而发扬光大的。
Pearl Buck leads a difficult life; she is not accepted by both Chinese and Americans. 赛珍珠一生非常艰难,她既不被美国人接受,又被国人排斥。